Follistatin is a substance that plays an important role in various bodily functions. It is involved in fertility, inflammatory responses, and muscle growth. It has gained the attention of bodybuilders because of its ability to boost the development of lean muscle mass. However, its health benefits go beyond just muscle building. If you want to buy Follistatin-344, you have to make sure you know what you are getting. We are here to give you valuable insights about Follistatin-344 and why you should consider including it in your daily health routine.
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What is Follistatin?
It is a compound consisting of protein and glycoprotein (sugar particles). It is primarily produced in the liver but can also be found in other parts of the body. Its notable action is increasing the response of muscle tissues when there’s muscle damage. It facilitates the growth of new and healthy cells, thereby speeding up the recovery process.
There are different forms of Follistatin and each type performs a specific bodily function. In this article, we will talk about Follistatin 344, also known as FS-344. Its primary use is for gene therapy. A gene that helps the body create more Follistatin is introduced to the body through injection.
Below are the health benefits of Follistatin
It facilitates the growth of muscles –
The bodybuilding community is the primary market for Follistatin as it can help boost muscle mass. It does so by inhibiting the formation of myostatin, a special protein that hinders or limits the development and growth of muscles.
It plays an important role in preventing muscle loss –
Injecting Follistatin can help boost muscle strength, which is beneficial in people suffering from muscle dystrophy; a medical condition that affects the pelvis and legs. Increasing the level of Follistatin in the body has been tested and proven effective in the treatment and management of sarcopenia, the muscle-wasting that is commonly associated with aging. Another good thing about Follistatin is that it is also helpful for people suffering from muscle atrophy, a genetic condition characterized by muscle wasting. The positive effect of Follistatin on muscle growth and development makes it a useful tool in addressing and managing muscle-related conditions.
It helps prevent baldness –
Follistatin plays an important role in preventing and correcting male-pattern baldness. Injecting Follistatin along with other growth factors can significantly result in increasing the amount of hair on the head. It also improves the quality of hair growth because the hair strands become thicker, especially at the hair shaft.
It plays an important role in maintaining a healthy reproductive system –
Follistatin is another component that can help safeguard reproductive health. From a male’s reproductive system perspective, the seminal fluid released by men contains a huge amount of Follistatin. However, it is important to note that the level of Follistatin is not directly related to sperm count. For female reproductive health, Follistatin plays an important role in folliculogenesis for female reproductive health. It is a reproductive process that prepares the egg cells’ release from the ovary when the woman is scheduled for ovulation. However, as women get older, the level of Follistatin in the body depletes during menstruation. To bring up the level of Follistatin, hormone replacement therapy should be started. Another notable action of Follistatin in a female’s reproductive health is inhibiting the functions of activins. It is a substance that plays an important role in various reproductive health functions, such as:
It helps in the development of reproductive organs such as ovaries in women and testes in men.
As the women aged, the level of activin increased. If there are noticeable abnormalities in the reproductive health, it is most likely linked to the abnormal activities of Follistatin and activin, which is usually the case in people with polycystic ovary syndrome. Abnormalities in Activin and Follistatin are also observed during pregnancy.
As you can see, there are plenty of supplements and hormonal replacement therapies out there, but not all of them are created equal. So, if you are planning to take one to improve your health and prevent visible signs of aging, you have to make sure you make an informed choice. Most importantly, make it a habit to purchase only from a highly reputable source. That way, you will ensure you get the best product at the best price.