Equivalent fractions are considered to be the type of fractions which will have different numerator as well as denominator but still will be equal to the same value. For example, 2/4 and 3/6 will both be equal to 1/2. This is a perfect example of equivalent fraction because the numerator and denominator will be different but still, the value will be the same. For every kind of fraction, people can very easily find out the equivalent fraction by multiplying the numerator and denominator with the same number which makes this process very much easier for the kids to remember. The best benefit is that they can very easily grasp this concept without any kind of problem.
The equivalent fractions will always state that two or more fractions are said to be equal if the results are the same fraction after the process of simplification. The simplification of all these kinds of fractions will result in equivalent fractions which will be equal to each other. The example has been explained above. The biggest question here is about how the fractions have equal values despite having different numbers.
Supposing to take the examples of 1/2 and 2/4 and 4/8. Under this particular category, it is clearly seen that numerator and denominator are different which is the main reason that people can go with the option of dividing both the numerator and denominator by the common factor which is one over here. In the case of 4/8, both numerator and denominator will be divided by four and the answer will come out to be 1/2. Similarly, in the case of 2/4, it will be divided by two and the answer will come out to be 1/2. Hence, all three of these fractions will be equal in terms of value.
How to find the equivalent fractions?
These kinds of fractions are the actual same but when the people multiply or divide the numerator and denominator by the same number the value will never change. Hence, equivalent fractions when reduced to the simplified value will always be the same which is the main reason that the finding process of such fractions is very much easy and people do not have to indulge in comprehensive procedures for this particular concept.
It is also very much important for the kids to have a complete idea about the equivalent fractions chart so that they are able to solve the questions very easily and never face any kind of hassle in the whole process. At the time of determining whether the fractions are equivalent or not it is also very much important for the kids to indulge in proper simplification of the things so that they can reach accurate conclusions without any kind of problem. This particular chapter and topic are very important from the examination point of you and the best part is that this is the most scoring topic in the world of fractions. Kids can very easily grab a good command on this particular topic with a minimal amount of practice and the best part is that they simply need to understand only a single concept without any kind of learning of formulas. Hence, this particular topic is also one of the most favourite topics of the kids in mathematics.
Hence, being clear about the conversion process of the equivalent fraction is very much important for the people so that they can make the right kind of decisions all the time and the best benefit is that they will also be able to convert the improper fractions into the proper ones with the help of such procedures. Going with the option of availing the coaching and consultancy from the house of mathematical experts like Cuemath is a very good idea so that kids can develop a good command of this particular topic and subject.